Vintage Story Mod Pack Launcher

Want to help support the team and the projects this can be done through a monthly Patreon all donations are appreciated and help to support further development moving forward


The ‘Creators’ section caters to individuals interested in crafting their own Mod Packs. Below, you will discover comprehensive guidance on the mod pack creation process.

Leveraging the Mod Pack Configurator, you can effortlessly generate Mod files, significantly streamlining the entirety of the Mod Pack creation procedure

Essential Files




ModConfig Folder



Within the Vintage Story Mod Pack Launcher Directory, locate the ‘Creators’ folder. Inside this directory, you will find two subfolders tools and templates looks for templates on how to setup your Mod Pack read more for further info:

1: ‘Mod Pack Configurator’: This tool offers the functionality to efficiently edit and save Mod packs start by loading the Template Mod from the Creators/Templates folder after loading you can edit the Client Mod List Config and VSMPL Mod Pack Config using the tabs using the Save Mod Pack button to save changes When done use the Package Mod Pack button and it will save your mod pack with the mod packs name you set after you can add your ModConfig folder to the zip for or store it inside the Open folder before packaging the choice is yours.

2: ‘ClientModList.json’: This JSON file stores all the mod data available for download. The launcher will read this file and download the mods specified within, placing them in the ‘Mod Pack’ Directory.

3: ‘Logo.png’: This image file serves as your Mod Pack’s logo and must be set as a URL in the ‘VSMPLModpack.json’ file. Failure to do so will result in the logo not appearing in the launcher.

4: ‘Background.png’: This image file functions as your Mod Pack’s backdrop and is displayed in the Mod Pack Panel when the button is pressed. It is imperative to set it as a URL in the ‘VSMPLModpack.json’ file. Failure to do so will lead to the background not being added to the launcher.

5: ‘ModConfig Folder’: This is needed for all Mod Packs. and for the game to have configs for the mods 

6: ‘VSMPLModpack.json’: This is the principal json (Initialization) file that the launcher reads. It contains crucial information about your Mod Pack, including its name and other relevant details. For an exhaustive breakdown of the required information, please refer to the provided template of this file or the VSMPLModpack.json section of this page.


To ensure a seamless experience for players, furnish them with the direct download URL for your Mod Pack. This will enable them to effortlessly incorporate and install your Mod Pack in accordance with its intended functionality.

Should you have any further inquiries or require additional assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us on our Discord community. Simply click the ‘Join Discord’ button located at the top of this page, and proceed to obtain the ‘VSMod User’ within the ‘Roles’ channel for direct engagement with our support team.



“ModPackName”: “Your ModPack Name”,

“VintageStoryVersion”: “VS Version ModPack Supports in numbers example = 1.19.8”,

“ModPackVersion”: “Your ModPack Version number example = 1.0”,

“ModPackUpdateURL”: “URL To Your ModPack For Updates valid URLs only”,

“ModPackLogoURL”: “URL of the ModPack Logo (Must Be Valid PNG)”,

“ModPackBackGroundURL”: “URL of the ModPack BackGround (Must Be Valid JPEG)”,

“ModPackServerAddress”: “IP address or URL of connection to Mod Packs Server”,

“ModPackServerPassword”: “Password for the the supplied server if no password leave blank”,

“Website”: “Your Homepage URL”,

“Discord”: “Discord Invite URL”,

“Guilded”: “Guilded URL”,

“Facebook”: “Facebook Group Page URL”,

“Twitter”: “Twitter URL”,

“Patreon”: “Patreon URL For Taking Donations”,

“GuiBackColor”: “For the GUI if in Enabled Mod Pack Theme Mode example = 23, 27, 28”,

“GuiMainWindowBackColor”: “For the GUI if in Enabled Mod Pack Theme Mode example = 26, 26, 26”,

“GuiTextColor”: “For the GUI if in Enabled Mod Pack Theme Mode example = 255, 255, 255”,

“GuiButtonTextColor”: “For the GUI if in Enabled Mod Pack Theme Mode example = 255, 255, 255”,

“GuiButtonFillColor”: “For the GUI if in Enabled Mod Pack Theme Mode example = 0, 153, 103”,

“GuiButtonFillColor2”: “For the GUI if in Enabled Mod Pack Theme Mode example = 0, 116, 66”,

“GuiButtonHoverFillColor”: “For the GUI if in Enabled Mod Pack Theme Mode example = 48, 224, 174”,

“GuiButtonHoverFillColor2”: “For the GUI if in Enabled Mod Pack Theme Mode example = 0, 153, 103”

Please note that any URLs use in this Json must be direct download links not links that send you to a webpage to download them if they are not download links the Mod Pack will fail to get the correct URL data and cause errors within the launcher making your Mod Pack not function correctly for the user

For the Social links they do not have to be download links but normal Webpage or invite links as they will be used to allow the user to connect to your websites or invites.